BUSINESS AS USUAL . If you don’t trust Big Multinational Business nor the government… then read on. As you will see; either already or...
‘The Day The Earth Stood Still’ is a remake of the 1951 classic sci-fi film about Klaatu, an extraterrestrial Galactic Park Ranger with a giant robot...
A friend sent me this movie link and I love it… hope you do too, it’s a work of Art. Enjoy Thank you for your time...
The move to cycling friendly cities is on not only in Europe but it's taking off in the US.
It's the minority running things in Israel and the US that spoil it for the rest of us.
The irony is if it is deliberate and calculated, it’s being done by powerful people, so expecting doctors, who are for the most part trained by...
Whatever they are up to is probably not good for the majority, and the fact that they are not giving an explanation tends to support that...
My question regarding these issues of whether they are Contrails or Chemtrails, is where are the Scientists on this matter? Personally I believe they are not...