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The Maine Solar House

Though the video is of The Maine Solar House in the US, in Germany they are now methodically going through all the homes and the government is paying to make them more efficient. This in the long run will save Germany billions of dollars, the only ones to lose will be the Oil, Gas and power companies… how cool; or rather warm, is that!



In Germany they are now methodically going through all the homes and the government is paying to make them more efficient. This in the long run will save Germany billions of dollars, the only ones to lose will be the Oil, Gas and power companies… how cool; or rather warm, is that!

The new Rudd Labor government in Australia on the other hand, has means tested the government’s solar panel rebate, and they set the limit at a household income of $100,000… a limit that they already recognize as families in difficulty with their mortgages, food and petrol prices! What a bunch of total morons… a country renowned for it’s sunshine, and a new Labor government, obviously beholding to the Oil and Gas, but more particularly Coal companies, finishes of what that other world recognized environmental vandal, John Winston Howard started… wiping out the sill fledgling, Solar power and other alternative power generation industries in Australia… apparently China and the US appreciate Aussie knowhow more than Australian governments.

Words fail me.

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“The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind”




Turbines, Blowin in the wind

“The times they are a changing” how right Dylan was and is… pun intended.

An owner of a few coal mines once told me that he was “going to stay in the business for another five years, and then get out and buy himself a really big air conditioner.” I answered, “You could afford one now.” To which he answered “Your right I can.”

Personally I prefer to live in an environment, where I do not need an air conditioner and I’d prefer that coal & petroleum companies; through their philanthropic donations to political parties, weren’t writing government energy policies… I’d prefer solar, wind, tidal, Hydrogen and geothermal companies to be writing government energy policies for a change.

Abbott calls wind turbines ‘the dark Satanic Mills’ of the modern era

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry… I guess I’ll settle with good riddance.

Actually I believe the phrase “global-warming” is possibly a miss direction that was either deliberate or accidental, the nature of this on coming catastrophe is a result of imbalance of the World’s Climate which most likely means extreme at both ends; Cold & Hot.

Thank you for your time Regards


P.S. Did you notice there are no Ads nor pleas for financial assistance on my site. If you would like to help, pass it around.

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Barefoot Solar Engineers




This is a real ‘feel good’ video… women learning valuable skills and helping their villages by bringing light into their world. Later who knows what else they will go on to learn, perhaps solar water purification or refrigeration. We wish the scheme all the best.

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Clean coal’s dirty secret

Man if there ever was an oxymoron, ‘clean coal’ is it… what a load of B.S




Clean Coal

This is what ‘clean coal’ is about, it’s about greed and phoney capitalism, it’s about a bunch of people who’s capitalism can’t get passed either digging it out of the ground, chopping it down or bribing politicians into selling public assets, because when it comes down to it, like I said they are nothing but phoney capitalists, they couldn’t build or design something new and worthwhile, they have to resort to skulduggery to take more than they’ll ever need, they are for the most part addicted to greed and don’t have the balls to make an honest living.

Today I heard our (Australian Labor) Prime Minister Kevin Rudd (aka Kevin Dud) intimate that ‘Clean Coal’ was the future and that selling of our state electrical power utility was the way to go… words fail me, well maybe not. Lets look at their reasons.

Apparently a government can build a public utility, but apparently it can’t run it efficiently? Basically they are admitting that they are incompetent, and they are trying to tell us that private enterprise would do it better, they could raise the funds and do a better job of it… who would you sooner loan money to, a government or a private company? what a bunch of morons.

This is what will happen if the power utility is sold. First thing that will happen is there will be layoffs, maintenance will be cut back, the price of electricity will go up and the supply will become unreliable… the same sort of thing that happened in California will happen here. The other thing that will probably happen is the coal companies will probably buy the power utilities and it will be the end of alternative energies and meeting the Kyoto limits.

If they had any balls they would put it to a referendum, but they won’t because they know it would be shot down… so much for ‘democracy’ eh?

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