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Wizard of Id – Mercury in the River

I’m a fan of Johnny Hart and Brant Parker’s Wizard of Id… and laugh you might now.



Mercury in the river

Cartoon: By Johnny Hart and Brant Parker
Mercury in the river

Cartoon: By Johnny Hart and Brant Parker
Mercury in the river

Cartoon: By Johnny Hart and Brant Parker

I’m a fan of Johnny Hart and Brant Parker’s Wizard of Id… and laugh you might now.

Website: Wizard of Id

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Aussie Politics – PM Scott ‘Scomo’ Morrison and Co.




The Artist's play on words is funny and makes an obscure point... Political donations are The Problem.

Did you hear the one about a Dyslectic Insomniac who laid awake all night wondering if there really was a dog?

Well I’m a Dyslectic individual apparently with Attitude, a Traumatic Brain Injury and no Working Memory who’s also ever so slightly obsessive… I suffered like so many Dyslectics with an ‘educating’ system that often mist diagnosing Dyslexia, though we have the advantage of having a relatively high intelligence and in my case high Abstract Reasoning… which basically means we see things/patterns that don’t fit.


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It’s About Time We Embargo FOX




Back in the 70s I had a bumper sticker on my car that read "Murdoch is Bad news"... they have gotten worse.

Greta Thunberg

A 12 year old girl has made the effort to make a difference… so what have the Millennials accomplished, or has FOX/MSM/Facebook etc. taken your attention span down to that of a Goldfish?


The ignorance of those sock-puppets working for FOX is breath taking, as for accusing Greta Thunberg of being mentally ill and being brainwashed, not only is duplicity of FOX staggering, I would suggest it’s slanderous. As for the ‘God-botherer’s’ advice… “Somebody needs to read poor Greta Genesis Chapter 9 and tell her next time she worries about global warming just look at a Rainbow that’s Gods promise that the Polar Ice Caps aren’t going to melt and flood the world again”. Does anyone out there not see the duplicity of commentators/presenters own brainwashing?

Thank you for your time Regards


P.S. Did you notice there are no Ads nor pleas for financial assistance on my site. If you would like to help, pass it around.

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Call of Life: Facing the Mass Extinction

It’s not the fault of the majority but the fault of a small minority who run the show solely for their own benefit, Monsanto, DuPont, the Petrochemical Industry, the Military Industrialists, the Churches, Politician and Lawyers who protect the real ‘evil doers’, but at the top of the pile of criminals are the Bankers & Financiers who have their grubby greedy hands on the leavers of what passes for a ‘society’… it’s the ‘blind leading the blind’.




Mass Extinction

Anybody ‘out there’ watching us would be dumbfounded.

It’s not the fault of the majority but the fault of a small minority who run the show solely for their own benefit.

By this I mean Monsanto, DuPont, the Petrochemical Industry, the Military Industrialists, the Churches, Politicians and Lawyers who protect the real ‘evil doers’, but at the top of the pile of criminals are the Bankers & Financiers who have their grubby greedy hands on the leavers of what passes for a ‘society’… it’s the ‘blind leading the blind’.

Website: Species Alliance

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