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New World Order

The Obvious Common Threads Between Kennedy, USS Liberty & 911



The irony... surveillance at George Orwell's home

Trump the other day said “The future belongs to patriots, not globalists.” In the comments under the footage below Laughing Cadaver Films makes the observation. “The Zionist globalists staged this horrendous act on innocent US Navy personnel to draw us into their ‘war’…..our government was deeply entrenched in this horrible incident……please watch…….Israel is sucking the life-blood out of America; soon they will come for your guns…”

Well having been a Sporting Shooter (Targets only) I say that the determination to take away their guns will be exceeded by those who don’t trust their governments; does anybody trust their governments?

Well fancy that, the Russians saving Americans, to be fair at that time of the Cold War, neither the Americans nor the Russians wanted to start WWIII.

It’s the warmongers looking for any excuse to intimidate or attack anybody who either has the audacity to appose the US’s criminal behavior insisting, that you hove our Minerals/Oil in your country with, it seems one major exception, yet when MH17 passenger flight was shot down over over a War Zone in eastern Ukraine no one asks WTF were thinking accidents happen in War. but in the case of USS Liberty it was clearly a deliberate act of War.

Some 47 years later when Captain William C. Rogers III in command the ultra modern Missile Cruiser USS Vincennes in the Persian Gulf, he was taunting Iranian patrol boats by moving in and out of Iranian Territorial Waters inviting the Iranians to fire upon a state of art Missile Cruiser USS the Patrol Boats which would have been blown out of the water along with any armaments or projectiles fired at his Missile Cruiser, during this time of Chest Thumping and excitement Captains Roger shot down Iran Air 655 passenger plane on an international flight path killing 290 civilians also on board were, 38 being non-Iranians and 66 being children which earned Captain William C. Rogers III a medal… words fail me.

I doubt that the vast majority of the world’s citizens think that politicians care about them, the hypocrisy of these State Department Spokespersons is… I’m at a loss to comprehend the level psychopathic behavior.

‘Us citizen has no right to free speech? State dept spokesperson grilled over Snowden

Ambassador Haley Speaks with Press about Priorities for the New Year

At vote on Jerusalem recognition, Nikki Haley threatens UN: U.S. expects return on its investment

Their hypocrisy is staggering

Here’s a list of all the countries the US has bombed since World War II


It’s a really good production Watch, Listen, Understand and then get really pissed off.

This is where Kennedy, the USS Liberty & 911 merge, all three of the governments and their accomplices were complicit in what can only be call Treason. The various reports done by the respective governments beggar belief, no doubt related to the fact that they are mostly there for the money and for some the Power, it these latter bastards which are either Hired Gun Sociopaths or Religious Nutters.

Thank you for your time Regards


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New World Order





Question, where would you live in perfect safety being part of the NWO & OWO (the Super Rich)?

So the question is, who is in control of Our Planet?

World Debt Clock

Australia’s Total Debit

Question who is in control of the Fiat Money printing machines?

Gold & Dollar: How Money Became Worthless | Currencies Explained | Documentary | Fiat Currency


Well it’s; as you would say, ‘that’s a hard question to answer because there many potential tricky possibilities, The World Bank, The Military Industrialists, The US, London, The Rothschild’s, Rockefeller’s, Koch brothers, Bill Gates, The MSM, the list goes on and on.

However, my instincts tell me that the aforementioned are really the Nouveau riche (early rich from a distance past) more likely the Vieux riche (realize old old money)

In my opinion it’s the various contrived Religions and that designed and in fact plagiarized older religions in order to dominate the low class people and the Catholic system used the Inquisition over roughly 700 years (1231 July 15, 1834) to suppress, kill dissenters and steal their properties and wealth or in fact coerce people into give the church 10% of their income.

It wasn’t until 7 November 1992 that the Pope admitted that Galileo that the earth circled the sun… the Romans and the Ancient Greek Aristarchus of Samos knew in around mid 200 bce. Obviously this was an act of terrorising decenters for example anybody who believed that the Earth orbited the Sun or even the fact that Earth was a sphere.

CAESAR’S MESSIAH: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus – OFFICIAL VERSION

So the Jews played a significant input in the Catholic Religion as explained above (CAESAR’S MESSIAH). It seems they’re a race driven by a lust for wealth and power… eventually they wore out their welcome.

Children of Iraq War

This young girl is obviously deeply traumatized as are most of the innocent children after being put through this shockingly inhuman atrocity, the bastards responsible should jailed for life.

Abby Martin’s Views on Israel | Joe Rogan

The Orsini, Farnese and Aldobrandini families

Most people believe it’s the Rothschild’s – Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812)who are in control, but if you research the Orsini, Farnese and Aldobrandini families you will find very little about them, the one YouTube I preferred has disapeared the so I’ll make do with an abstract.

Querelle des femmes – English version

Noam Chomsky: The Alien perspective on humanity – Jung & Naiv: Episode 284

The Elephant in the room and the little known Ringmasters


So we know the types so where would they reside because no doubt they want to keep their low profile… could it be?

Why Switzerland is the Safest Place if WW3 Ever Begins

Gotthard Tunnel, Demonic Opening Ceremony, New World Order

The short version

Long version

How wearied is that?

Why Rich People Love Swiss Banks?

How Switzerland Became Unconquerable

Nuclear bunkers for all: Switzerland is ready as international tensions mount

Neutral Swiss join EU sanctions against Russia

How and why did Switzerland become Neutral? (Short animated documentary

The Last Stand of the Swiss Guards – The Sack of Rome in 1527

How the Swiss Protected Hitler’s Gold

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New World Order





We’ve faffed long enough. We don’t have time for Scott Morrison’s policy evolution in the ‘years ahead’

It looks like Scomo is in love with god and that lump of coal, but you’d be wrong if you thought that, he’s only in love with what the vested interests can do for him.
The government is hiding this and you

Every body knows that they are liars… stop the lying by sacking them, banning all political donations and take away their pensions and privileges if they earn more than $100,000 per annum after retirement, Australian politicians are already the third highest paid politicians in the world… we are being ripped off.
150 Religious Leaders Have United Against Scomo And The Fossil Fuel Industry
COVID-19 deaths have been reported in those aged in their 20s to their 100s. The majority of deaths have been reported in people aged 70 years and over. So from this it should be plain that previous and/or long-term health issues must account for a significant number of fatalities for those above the number of Australians who allegedly died from COVID-19. Now if we compare the Government’s figures for the alleged COVID-19 to the Government’s Deaths Australia – Statistics tells us the more important facts about deaths and mortality rates for Australia, states and territories, and sub-state regions during 2019 that government figure of less than 900 alleged COVID-19 deaths in Australia, which when taken the into account the death rates long before COVID-19 is best covered by Mark Twain’s “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics.”
Unmasked: Inside Australia’s Coronavirus

Covid Lockdown Isn’t only about your Health anymore

Daniel Hale, whistlblower one of many

Thrown in jail for the crime of exposing Government’s crimes
WikiLeaks: Collateral Murder (, 2007)

I saw no guns, I guess the Journalists (soft targeted AKA ‘Fair Game’) probably had one or two armed Iraqi guards
Edward Snowden in Russian exile: ‘you have to be ready to stand for something’

Edward Snowden informed the Media in a responsible manner that the US government was illegally spying on all it’s citizens.
Bernard Collaery, Witness K and the trial the media can’t cover | Media Watch

“Witness K” convicted for exposing Australia’s illegal bugging in East Timor
This act of hypocrisy is gob-smacking, the Australia government attempted to steal oil from one of the world’s poorest countries in the world… it is a country which put it’s self at great risk from the Japanese during World War II because it hid and protected Australia’s military personnel. It was about this time that the world’s awareness of the ill-spirited John Howard, a former Australian Prime Minister at the time had sullied the Australia’s reputation and it’s gotten steadily worse since… I for one am ashamed.
Huge Protests, France, UK, USA, Israel, Canada
Has Professor Iain Martin Opened The Way For Legal Action?
Aussie Covid/Lockdown protest

Government Corruption: Lawyer Serene Teffaha of AdvocateMe struck off for challenging Government

Do We Live in a Brave New World? – Aldous Huxley’s Warning to the World

Thank you for your time

Regards from the Dyslectic TBI Hippie and Social Democrat Agitator


P.S. Did you notice there are no Ads nor pleas for financial assistance on my site. If you would like to help, pass it around.

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New World Order

How to destroy any hope of an Australian Democracy




Scott 'ScoMo' Morrison is in Love with Coal and what it could bring him... My PRECIOUS!!!!

A must watch 2012 ABC 4 Corners – Gina Rinehart

Gina Rinehart – The Power of One – ABC Four Corners

World’s Richest Woman Calls For Workers To Be Paid $2 A Day

You cant hide what you are bitch… nor can your pollies in your pocket!

It’s alleged that her farther referred to her as a ‘Fat baby Elephant’… funny how humans often insult animals as being savage, there seems to be a lot of animals videos on YouTube that are surprisingly Humane.

Rinehart earns $2m per hour

A Parody of Gina Rinehart on Climate Change – STARRING Prudence Vindin as Gina Rinehart & Shane C. Rodrigo as Tony

Gina Rinehart on Climate Change

Lang Hancock father of Gina Rinehart offers sterilisation as a solution to the Aboriginal problem

Like farther like daughter… are sociopathic/psychopathic traits inherited, is it in their genes? If they are then we are in troubles because wealth/Power is what the seek, perhaps it’s them that need to be sterilized for the sake of Humanity and this beautiful planet Earth.

Lang Hancock father of Gina Rinehart offers sterilisation as a solution to the Aboriginal problem

Thank you for your time



P.S. Did you notice there are no Ads nor pleas for financial assistance on my site. If you would like to help, pass it around.

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