New World Order
A ‘No Ties System’ Part 2 – The NWO Vatican City State within Italy that aims to control all Religions
Perhaps I should elaborate, I was a ‘Bush Boy’ born in Kenya from British and Norwegian stock, I had had minimal socializing and schooling, going to Church for me started at about the age of 8, after that first visit to a church I told my mother no more.
Reality check
There are uncounted Galaxies ‘out there’ in all types of shapes and sizes and it was a ‘Human’ God that created them, a male God with a beard, navel etc. and ‘He’ wants us to worship him?… sounds a little insecure to me considering he had created the whole Multiverse.
The Galaxy photo is the Andromeda Galaxy which is the closest large galaxy to our Milky Way Galaxy. It said to contain 1 Trillion Stars and is 2.54 Million Light Years from us and its one of a few galaxies that can be seen unaided from the Earth. In approximately 4.5 billion years the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way are expected to collide and the result will be a giant elliptical galaxy.
The earliest self aware humans possibly go back half a million to a million years, and this is where natural events such as Earth Quakes & Volcanos, Thunder & Lightening, Shooting Stars & Asteroid impacts which were in the realm of frightening unknown and unexplained occurrences, caused it seemed, by some powerful anthropomorphic entity who was angry and wanted to punish ‘evil doers’.
Venere di Willendorf (Austria), 24.000 – 30,000 BC
The earliest figurine of a God was Venere di Willendorf (Austria), 24.000 – 30,000 BC Similar sculptures, first discovered in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, are traditionally referred to in archaeology as “Venus figurines”, due to the widely-held belief that depictions of nude women with exaggerated sexual features represented an early fertility fetish, perhaps a mother goddess. The reference to Venus is metaphorical, since the figurines predate the mythological figure of Venus by many thousands of years. Some scholars reject this terminology, instead referring to the statuette as the “Woman of” or “Woman from Willendorf”.
Douglas Adams author of ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’, offers a different perspective to why we formed our belief of a God in his book ‘The Salmon of Doubt’:-
“This is rather as if you imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, ‘This is an interesting world I find myself in — an interesting hole I find myself in — fits me rather neatly, doesn’t it? In fact it fits me staggeringly well, must have been made to have me in it!’ This is such a powerful idea that as the sun rises in the sky and the air heats up and as, gradually, the puddle gets smaller and smaller, frantically hanging on to the notion that everything’s going to be alright, because this world was meant to have him in it, was built to have him in it; so the moment he disappears catches him rather by surprise. I think this may be something we need to be on the watch out for.”
About the time when we moved from a hunter-gatherer existence, originally organised by women, in to an Agricultural society of small Villages & Towns with granaries and domesticated animals, which now needed men in a social system less dependent on hunting, to move to the role of protectors of their Clan’s food and territory. This was the start of Armies which unfortunately channeled the excitement of some men from the hunt to war, away from Nature gods to gods of gold and battle, which tens of thousands of years later became a prerequisite for those amongst us who now have an insatiable desire of greed & power.
Dark Secrets The Vatican Keep From You
NWOs YouTube branch is also engaged in censorship of anything that is counter to the NWO’s narrative. With regards to censorship of Egyptian Dr. Ashraf Ezzat, MD videos ‘Exodus Debunked: Slave trade was not common in Egypt’ & ‘The Lamb of a Bloodthirsty God’, YouTube in both cases asked the “Sign in to confirm your age – This video may be inappropriate for some users”. Oh really ‘inappropriate for some users’, well it’s just a variant of Murdoch’s lot using the phrase “Some people say”; a phrase which I often use to poke fun at them, sure there are a couple of exceptions to Murdoch’s collection of pitiful parasitic poisonous propaganda purveyors promoting the NWO sociopaths/psychopaths desire for the 1%ers to rule the World.
Just a reminder, this post is about religion, which is a NWO’s branch and is non-other than that pillar of morality The Vatican State; 1 of 3 States, the Catholic Church known for the Crusades, Pedophilia, support of Fascist Dictators and the 605 year Inquisition which some Scholars say murdered somewhere between 500,000 & 1,000,000 innocents after horribly torturing them. In fact the Church is not alone in this, the other two branches of The NWO, namely International Banking which is run from the City State of London, which funds almost all the wars over the last 2-300 years (large and small). And then there is the NWO’s Enforcement Wing which is in Washington DC’s, who physically participated in those endless wars also over the last 2-300 years, totally ignoring recent International Laws against ‘Regime Change’ with it’s “Either your with US or against US” threats, murders, embargoes and torturing in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay, as reported by Journalists like Australia’s Julian Assange, whilst they profess to being Christians. Just out of curiosity, was “Thou shall not kill” a commandment or just a suggestion?
Why are the Pyramids not mentioned in the Bible?
Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites
Joseph the Patriarch is Arabian
The NWO – A 6000 Year History. It’s a long video with almost 5 million views over 5 years, as for the UFO badging, well it’s inconceivable that ‘Humanity’ is It, but a lot of whats on YouTube is at best flaky, but the one topic that really screws with my brain is the Flat-Earthers from shallow end of the religious gene pool.
Religion, Bible, Can you handle the Truth
Intro by George Carlin, curious how the christian catholic religion insisted that the Sun revolved around Earth when the ancients knew otherwise, the ancient Greeks actually even calculated the diameter of Earth around 500 BC.
Religion, Bible, Can you handle the Truth?
It’s worth mentioning that the commonality between Christian and Egyptian religions may have came about from the Hyksos occupation of Egypt. However, asides from the fact that we are talking about events that took place up to perhaps 5 thousand years ago, one must realise that probably records would have been skewed for either religious, national or academic pride, so it’s hard to be even close to being correct.
One thing that is often misconstrued is the question of Who are the Semitic peoples?. This was covered in an earlier post and it seems that the Egyptians were in that Semitic topographical grouping of languages. Yet another misconstrued issue is the heredity of the Hyksos, though they do seem to be not unlike the present day ‘Jews’ noting that not all ‘Jews’ are ancient Hebrews, who for so long in later years got on reasonably well with the Palestinians.
Recently censored YouTube… any guess why the account was “Terminated”, could it have something to do with the Palestinians?
Hyksos in Egypt
Obviously the Jews are a little sensitive about the Hyksos because they were Semitic peoples AKA Moses’s Jews were Jews and contra to the fact that they were kicked out of Egypt… which brings into question the BS about god freeing the Jews and the parting of the Red Sea.
Ur,Hyksos were Jews
Below are the two aforementioned YouTube videos Re “Sign in to confirm your age – This video may be inappropriate for some users” BS.
Exodus Debunked: Slave trade was not common in Egypt – Ashraf Ezzat
The Lamb of a Bloodthirsty God – Ashraf Ezzat
Speaking of Lambs to the slaughter:-
Joe Biden its OK to touch little girls? Currently a possible future Democratic President of the USA, things seem to go from terrible to worse!
The Criminal History of the Papacy – 2 Catholic Inquisition and The Torture Tools used. by Former Priest Richard Bennett.
What various significant people across the World have to say about the Jesuits? The Criminal History of the Papacy – (part 2 of 3), from their own Catholic Encyclopaedia, via the curtesy of NEXUS Magazine. Originally gave these PDFs away for free, their magazine is a good read and a worthwhile investment.
On a side note… It is my belief, and the belief of many scholars, that the New Testament Bible was created by what became the Roman Catholic Church and a cabal of Jews; not necessarily Semitic, to control us Goys (those not of the Jewish faith or blood), with false tails such as stories of Moses, The Exodus, King Solomon ‘The Wise’ and Solomon’s Temple; which in reality most likely if true, was little more than a stone barn, whereas Solomon’s Palace was apparently so great, that it almost bankrupted ancient Israel… but then, he had to have accommodation for his 600 wives, his 300 concubine and the necessary staff. So it’s all about Power & Control (Money), and as we all know, ultimate power tends to corrupt… pedophilia and the covering up of is all in essence about psychopaths/sociopaths Power & Control.
In order to control the planet, you must first totally control The Money, and here’s how I believe it was done. For starters, it was the Jesuits (the Catholic church’s SS) who ran the 605 year Inquisition, during which time they murdered countless people; some scholars say; a variation on Murdoch’s “some people say”, put the number in excess of 50 million, men women and children (Estimates of the number killed by the Papacy) all killed in unfathomable ways for most of us, ways which some of the popes themselves, actually had a hand in the methods and equipment used to kill and maim… the current Pope Bergoglio by the way, is a Jesuit, and he is, at the very least, complicit in the murder of adults and the abuse of children, in the not so distant past in Argentina, during the period of the military junta.
If you still have any lingering doubts regarding the corrupt nature of the Catholic church, I suggest that you read David Yallop’s; a very respected and thorough investigative Journalist, ‘In Gods Name,’ where he lays out the case for the murder of Pope John Paul I, largely because he was about to shut down the corrupt Catholic bank and also kick out the Catholic P2 Masons.
It’s incomprehensible that ‘champions’ of whatever brand of religious nuttery, are happy to kill and maim in ‘Gods name’, and that they take on the task of defending one who’s supposedly responsible for creating the mind-boggling universes… and such a beautiful ‘Pale Blue Dot’ of planet Earth which we all live on. This is the God who apparently Commanded, “Though shalt not kill” which is freely interpreted as just a suggestion by 3 of the main religions. According to the Catholic faith, the Jew Saint Paul, went from an all-out ‘kill them all’ persecutor of early Christians (Leopard’s and their spots), to the founder of The Catholic Church, after a ‘visit’ from God on the road to Damascus, yeah right!
In reality the Catholic Church is not only in ‘bed with children’ all over the world, it’s also in a metaphorical bed with the Rothschild’s banks. The Vatican Bank is a power unto it’s self, it’s books are free to launder at will with anybody they chose including most probably the CIA’s Black money… through their combined wealth these banks effectively control the world… so much for ‘camels and the eye of a needle’.
Religion is all about power and control, even the Buddhists today are so far from their roots, that if Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) came back to life, he’d probably initially not recognise who the Buddhists are, and no doubt he’d be horrified once it was explained to him.
Again I mention control and power, are you aware of the fact that there are 3 City States, that are totally separate of the National Democracies which they are physically in, namely The Vatican State, who’s function is to ultimately control the World’s religions. In case you didn’t know, it was the church’s Usury Laws which led to the world’s monetary system being run by ‘Jews’. Then there’s The City of London, who’s function is to ultimately control the World’s Finances, and finally there’s Washington State, who’s function is to ultimately control the World’s Military and punish recalcitrants.
However, there is a far more insidious 4th state, which has no designated boundaries, and that is, ‘International Law’ and The Law in general, which has absolutely nothing to do with Justice, and belongs in the realm of those with no ethics; generally more con than science, and more to do with protecting the aforementioned 3 City States than Justice, hence they are responsible for minimising threats to the 3 City States’s control.
Generally speaking, the ‘legal’ profession are little more than professional liars and thieves, who make up the majority of positions in governments, hence they have carte-blanche in advantaging their profession, by writing ambiguous and incomprehensible Laws; for the vast majority of us, that are only of benefit to those who can afford to pay for the ‘best’ of the worst. So many Lawyers so few bullets.
A few of other must-do’s, no more prayers in Parliament we are supposed to have a secular government and definitely no political donations and Lobbyists, we must have a National independent though publicly verifiably ICAC with teeth as well as enforced accurate and truthful labeling of goods, but particularly of food and drugs. Another must have is the encouragement and protection of Whistle-blowers; tellingly the opposite of what now happens, in fact, Whistleblowers who’s evidence result in prosecution and fines, should get a substantial sliding scale percentage of the fines collected and any bureaucrats, officials or CEOs should be dealt with harshly.
This is totally chilling, according to author Kevin Kruse, the idea that America is a “Christian nation” was invented only recently, forged by an alliance between industrialists and conservative clergy who preached the connection between Christianity and Capitalism… so much for “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God”.
The Elite Banker Confession
Ex Dutch Banker Ronald Bernard Exposes the ELITE, (Part 1,2,3)
This is how influential people get caught in the Web of Pedophilia and ‘get owned’… do ‘Rock Spiders’ have Webs?
Ex Dutch Banker Ronald Bernard Exposes the ELITE… and recently died conveniently.
Narcissist, Psychopath, or Sociopath: How to Spot the Differences
Are politicians natural-born psychopaths? Well, you could say that
The Minds of Powerful Sexual Predators: How Power Corrupts
Is Joe Biden a Child Molester?
The thing that totally freaks me out is the second young girl in the Red dress getting dragged and manhandled by Biden… and her parents did nothing, she is obviously uncomfortable, so the question is, if anybody did this to your daughter what would you do?
Sessions Brushes Biden’s Hand Away
Watch Joe Biden Rub, Touch And Kiss His Way To Beck-Like Creepiness
Documentary: Who is Jeffrey Epstein, accused of sexually abusing teen girls?
Why Take Jeffrey Epstein Off of Suicide Watch?
Harvey Weinstein Accused By 16-Year-Old Girl
WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Harvey Weinstein and his army of spies | 60 Minutes Australia
So This Is How Men Like Weinstein Get Away With it For So Long
Jeffrey Epstein connected to Trump and Clinton
Trump’s uncensored lewd comments about women from 2005
WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Harvey Weinstein and his army of spies | 60 Minutes Australia
‘Secret archives’ detailed priests’ child sex abuse and cover-ups, Pa. attorney general says
Thank you for your time Regards
P.S. Did you notice there are no Ads nor pleas for financial assistance on my site. If you would like to help, pass it around.
New World Order
Question, where would you live in perfect safety being part of the NWO & OWO (the Super Rich)?
So the question is, who is in control of Our Planet?
Question who is in control of the Fiat Money printing machines?
Gold & Dollar: How Money Became Worthless | Currencies Explained | Documentary | Fiat Currency
Well it’s; as you would say, ‘that’s a hard question to answer because there many potential tricky possibilities, The World Bank, The Military Industrialists, The US, London, The Rothschild’s, Rockefeller’s, Koch brothers, Bill Gates, The MSM, the list goes on and on.
However, my instincts tell me that the aforementioned are really the Nouveau riche (early rich from a distance past) more likely the Vieux riche (realize old old money)
In my opinion it’s the various contrived Religions and that designed and in fact plagiarized older religions in order to dominate the low class people and the Catholic system used the Inquisition over roughly 700 years (1231 July 15, 1834) to suppress, kill dissenters and steal their properties and wealth or in fact coerce people into give the church 10% of their income.
It wasn’t until 7 November 1992 that the Pope admitted that Galileo that the earth circled the sun… the Romans and the Ancient Greek Aristarchus of Samos knew in around mid 200 bce. Obviously this was an act of terrorising decenters for example anybody who believed that the Earth orbited the Sun or even the fact that Earth was a sphere.
CAESAR’S MESSIAH: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus – OFFICIAL VERSION
So the Jews played a significant input in the Catholic Religion as explained above (CAESAR’S MESSIAH). It seems they’re a race driven by a lust for wealth and power… eventually they wore out their welcome.
Children of Iraq War
This young girl is obviously deeply traumatized as are most of the innocent children after being put through this shockingly inhuman atrocity, the bastards responsible should jailed for life.
Abby Martin’s Views on Israel | Joe Rogan
The Orsini, Farnese and Aldobrandini families
Most people believe it’s the Rothschild’s – Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812)who are in control, but if you research the Orsini, Farnese and Aldobrandini families you will find very little about them, the one YouTube I preferred has disapeared the so I’ll make do with an abstract.
Querelle des femmes – English version
Noam Chomsky: The Alien perspective on humanity – Jung & Naiv: Episode 284
The Elephant in the room and the little known Ringmasters
So we know the types so where would they reside because no doubt they want to keep their low profile… could it be?
Why Switzerland is the Safest Place if WW3 Ever Begins
Gotthard Tunnel, Demonic Opening Ceremony, New World Order
The short version
Long version
How wearied is that?
Why Rich People Love Swiss Banks?
How Switzerland Became Unconquerable
Nuclear bunkers for all: Switzerland is ready as international tensions mount
Neutral Swiss join EU sanctions against Russia
How and why did Switzerland become Neutral? (Short animated documentary)
The Last Stand of the Swiss Guards – The Sack of Rome in 1527
How the Swiss Protected Hitler’s Gold
New World Order
We’ve faffed long enough. We don’t have time for Scott Morrison’s policy evolution in the ‘years ahead’
It looks like Scomo is in love with god and that lump of coal, but you’d be wrong if you thought that, he’s only in love with what the vested interests can do for him.
The government is hiding this and you
Every body knows that they are liars… stop the lying by sacking them, banning all political donations and take away their pensions and privileges if they earn more than $100,000 per annum after retirement, Australian politicians are already the third highest paid politicians in the world… we are being ripped off.
150 Religious Leaders Have United Against Scomo And The Fossil Fuel Industry
COVID-19 deaths have been reported in those aged in their 20s to their 100s. The majority of deaths have been reported in people aged 70 years and over. So from this it should be plain that previous and/or long-term health issues must account for a significant number of fatalities for those above the number of Australians who allegedly died from COVID-19. Now if we compare the Government’s figures for the alleged COVID-19 to the Government’s Deaths Australia – Statistics tells us the more important facts about deaths and mortality rates for Australia, states and territories, and sub-state regions during 2019 that government figure of less than 900 alleged COVID-19 deaths in Australia, which when taken the into account the death rates long before COVID-19 is best covered by Mark Twain’s “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics.”
Unmasked: Inside Australia’s Coronavirus
Covid Lockdown Isn’t only about your Health anymore
Daniel Hale, whistlblower one of many
Thrown in jail for the crime of exposing Government’s crimes
WikiLeaks: Collateral Murder (, 2007)
I saw no guns, I guess the Journalists (soft targeted AKA ‘Fair Game’) probably had one or two armed Iraqi guards
Edward Snowden in Russian exile: ‘you have to be ready to stand for something’
Edward Snowden informed the Media in a responsible manner that the US government was illegally spying on all it’s citizens.
Bernard Collaery, Witness K and the trial the media can’t cover | Media Watch
“Witness K” convicted for exposing Australia’s illegal bugging in East Timor
This act of hypocrisy is gob-smacking, the Australia government attempted to steal oil from one of the world’s poorest countries in the world… it is a country which put it’s self at great risk from the Japanese during World War II because it hid and protected Australia’s military personnel. It was about this time that the world’s awareness of the ill-spirited John Howard, a former Australian Prime Minister at the time had sullied the Australia’s reputation and it’s gotten steadily worse since… I for one am ashamed.
Huge Protests, France, UK, USA, Israel, Canada
Has Professor Iain Martin Opened The Way For Legal Action?
Aussie Covid/Lockdown protest
Government Corruption: Lawyer Serene Teffaha of AdvocateMe struck off for challenging Government
Do We Live in a Brave New World? – Aldous Huxley’s Warning to the World
Thank you for your time
Regards from the Dyslectic TBI Hippie and Social Democrat Agitator
P.S. Did you notice there are no Ads nor pleas for financial assistance on my site. If you would like to help, pass it around.
New World Order
How to destroy any hope of an Australian Democracy
A must watch 2012 ABC 4 Corners – Gina Rinehart
Gina Rinehart – The Power of One – ABC Four Corners
World’s Richest Woman Calls For Workers To Be Paid $2 A Day
You cant hide what you are bitch… nor can your pollies in your pocket!
It’s alleged that her farther referred to her as a ‘Fat baby Elephant’… funny how humans often insult animals as being savage, there seems to be a lot of animals videos on YouTube that are surprisingly Humane.
Rinehart earns $2m per hour
A Parody of Gina Rinehart on Climate Change – STARRING Prudence Vindin as Gina Rinehart & Shane C. Rodrigo as Tony
Gina Rinehart on Climate Change
Lang Hancock father of Gina Rinehart offers sterilisation as a solution to the Aboriginal problem
Like farther like daughter… are sociopathic/psychopathic traits inherited, is it in their genes? If they are then we are in troubles because wealth/Power is what the seek, perhaps it’s them that need to be sterilized for the sake of Humanity and this beautiful planet Earth.
Lang Hancock father of Gina Rinehart offers sterilisation as a solution to the Aboriginal problem
Thank you for your time
P.S. Did you notice there are no Ads nor pleas for financial assistance on my site. If you would like to help, pass it around.
New World Order5 years ago
The Obvious Common Threads Between Kennedy, USS Liberty & 911
Political5 years ago
2. The Secret Rulers of the World – Only the Start (2 of 29) You’ll have to look for the others… or not.
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The Horror… the horror of Aussie Politics, from the horses mouth
New World Order5 years ago
1. The Secret Rulers of the World – Present/Past (1 of 29) You have the first two parts…
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Free the Tokyo Two
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Bunya Pine Tree